16 August 2017

A new Sustainable Smart Cities website has been launched and hopes to act as a central point of information and expertise on cleverly connected cities.

It's the brainchild of the Environmental Industries Commission (EIC), a UK trade association for the environmental technologies and services sector, and the site aims to pair those influencers and promoters looking for solutions with those who are already delivering.

To this end at www.sustainanablesmartcities.org you'll find a raft of cast studies and best practice examples that are sure to prove indispensable - helping industry and city leaders quickly get up to speed with what works (and what doesn't) to underpin investment and decision making.

The site, acting as a 'neutral broker', aims to connect a myriad of stakeholders (from technology providers, policymakers and academia) through regular networking events, roundtables and seminars.

It's also a shop window for thought leadership, market intelligence and investment insight and aims to lobby policymakers for a regulatory framework that supports and encourages innovation in the area of smart cities.

The Sustainable Smart Cities website at www.sustainablesmartcities.org