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Future flooding - scientific summary. Volume 1 - Future risks and their drivers
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Document Status
Identifies the many drivers of future risks of flooding and coastal erosion for the UK, and analyses their operation and interaction.
Document History
Related to the following: Mid-term review. January 2011. Foresight project: flood and coastal defence (BIS, 2012); Learning lessons from the 2007 floods: an independent review by Sir Michael Pitt: final report (also known as the Pitt Review) and Update of the Foresight Future Flooding 2004 qualitative risk analysis - an independent review by Sir Michael Pitt (both Cabinet Office, 2008). Also related to other reports produced for the Foresight programme which include: Future flooding - executive summary (DTI, 2004); Future flooding - scientific summary. Future flooding - scientific summary. Volume 2 - managing future risks (DTI, 2004); Future flooding - action plan (DTI, 2004) and Future flooding - Scotland (DTI, 2004). This document was previously available within The Construction Information Service in 14 parts, which have now been combined into this single complete pdf. This document has been archived by its original publisher.
Evans, E. et al
Publisher Information
Department of Trade and Industry
The Department of Trade and Industry published information to support business of all industry sectors. They are now known as the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (DBERR).
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