
NBS Scheduler has a spell check facility, which will check your schedules of work.

More information

To access the spell check, go to Tools > Spelling...

The Spell Check window gives three options:
  • Whole document
    This option will check your entire Schedule

  • Heading
    Selecting this option means that the current section which is selected from the drop down list will be spell checked

  • Selected region
    If you only want to spell check a certain area of your Schedule, you can do so by using the drop down lists to select the desired start and finish headings.

Using the spell checker

The spell checker will search through your Schedule (or the pre-defined areas of your Schedule that you want checking) and will ask you to check each discrepancy.

There are various options in the spell check tool once a discrepancy is found:
  • Ignore: If the highlighted word is correct and you wish it to remain unaltered

  • Ignore All: If the word is correct and there are likely to be other instances which also need to be accepted

  • Add: If the word is correct, will be used often and you wish it to be added to the Scheduler dictionary

  • Change: If the word is incorrect and you have chosen an option from the suggestions list with which to replace it

  • Change All: If the word is incorrect and you have chosen an option from the suggestions list with which to replace it, and there are likely to be other instances which you would also liked to be changed

  • Autocorrect: This option chooses the most likely word with which to replace the incorrect word.